Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ

Provincial's Musings

The JCSA had its biannual meeting in Loyola College, Chennai from 16-22 February 2025. The theme for the Major Superiors meeting was “Deepening the Process of Reimagining in South Asia.” All the Major Superiors reviewed the progress of RR process both at the Province level and at the Conference level. The Conference Secretaries also presented a short report of their activities in the light of the RR process. All of us realized that the RR process is basically a call to the ongoing spiritual renewal and that it should be continued in the spirit of Ignatian Magis.

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Who we are

The Society of Jesus is a world-wide organization with Headquarters in Rome where the highest authority called the Superior General resides and guides the world-wide operations of nearly 16,000 Jesuits spread out in about 112 countries. These 16,000 Jesuits are grouped into smaller administrative units corresponding to different geographical locations called "Provinces" presided over by Superiors appointed by the superior General.

Karnataka Province Apostolic Planning

Strengthening and Expanding our Mission in North Karnataka

Responding to Communalism and Fundamentalism

Imparting Integral Formation to Youth

Training in Collaboration and Leadership

They are four working fields to which the Society of Jesus will pay special attention and in which it will invest a significant portion of its various resources over the next few years.