Publications of Fr Leo D'Souza SJ
By : Fr Leo D'Souza SJ - M.Sc. Ph.D

Scientific Works:
- Biotechnology for a Better Future
- Tissue Culture as a Tool for Plant Breeding
- Biotechnological Applications of Plant Tissue & Cell Culture.
- Fr Leo’s Misc. Papers
- The Challenge of Tree Tissue Culture
- i) Somataic Embryogenesis & Plantlet Regeneration in Mussaenda Philippica var Aurorae. ii) Effect of Season on Contamination & in vitro Germination of spores. iii) Direct Organogenesis from Internodal Segments of Mature Murraya Koenigii. iv) various articles, etc.
- D’Souza Leo 1970 Untersuchungen über die Eignung des Weizens als Pollenspender bei der Fremdbefruchtung, verglichen mit Roggen, Triticale und Secalotricum.. Z. für Pflanzenz. 63 246-269.
- D’Souza L 1972 Staining pollen tubes in styles of cereals with cotton blue; fixation by ethanol lactic acid for enhanced differentiation. Stain Technology
- D’Souza L 1972 Comparative Study of the Size and Receptivity of the Stigma in Wheat, Rye, Triticale and Secalotricum. Z.für Pflazenzüchtg 68 73-82
- D’Souza L. 1978 Behaviour of Rye Pollen on Styles of Wheat Varieties Having Good and Poor Crossability with Rye. Z für Pflanzenzüchtg 80 129-133
- D’Souza L. (1980) Tissue Culture as a Tool for Plant Breeding. Current Trends in Botanical Research, ed. M. Nagaraj & C.P. Malik. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India.
- D’Souza L 1980 Hypocotyl budding in cultured coconut embryos. In P S Rao (ed) Plant Tissue Culture, Genetic Manipulation and Somatic Hybridization of Plant Cells. BARC Mumbai
- D’Souza L. (1982) Organogenesis in coconut embryo callus. In Proc. 5th Intl. Cong. Plant Tissue and cell culture. Fujiwara A(Ed) P 179-180
- Paily J & D’Souza L (1986) In vitro clonal propagation of Lagerstroemia flos-reginae Retz. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 6:41-45
- D’Souza L. 1988 Clonal propagation in woody trees In Tata and Wadwani (eds) Proc Natl Symp. Plant Tissue Culture. Kasaragod
- D’Souza L Paily J, Arokiadoss V 1988 Coconut embryo culture: Problems and Prospects. In Tata and Wadwani ( eds) Proc Natl Symp. Plant Tissue Culture. Kasaragod
- D’Silva I & D’Souza L (1992) In vitro propagation of Anacardium occidentale L. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ culture 29:1-6
- D’Silva I & D’Souza L (1992) In vitro bud proliferation of Anacardium occidentale L. Beitr Biol Pflanzen 67:273-279
- D’Silva I & D’Souza L (1992) Micropropagation of Ailanthus malabarica DC using juvenile and mature tree tissues. Silvae Genetica 41(6):333-339
- D’Silva Icy &. D’Souza L. (1993).Controlling contamination and browning of in vitro cultures of cashew. Journal of Plantation Crops 21 (1): 22-29 June
- D’Souza L. & Smitha Mallya (1993). Effect of age and culture conditions of donor palms on coconut anthers cultured in vitro. In: Advances in coconut research and development. M.K. Nair, H.H. Khan, P. Gopalasundaram, E.V.V. Bhaskara Rao (eds). P.35
- Hegde S & D’Souza L (1995) In vitro propagation of an ornamental tree Millingtonia hortensis L.f. Gartenbauwissenschaft 60(6):258-261
- Smitha Hegde & D’Souza L (1996) In vitro Propagation of Drynaria quercifolia, an endangered fern. In: Pteridology in perspective 95 J.M. Camus, M. Gibby & R.J. Johns (eds). Kew. Pp 171
- D’Souza L, D’Silva I, Mallya S, Augustine AC, Rajendra K, Kulkarni KR & Cardoza V (1996). Anacardium occidentale L. (Cashewnut) In: Bajaj, YPS (ed). Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 35 Trees IV. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,
- Hegde S, D’Souza L, D’Silva I & Augustine AC (1997).Vitro Trees of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)- A Preliminary Evaluation. In: Pareek LK (ed) Trends in Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. pp 239-240
- Kulkarni Kavitha R., Smitha Hegde & D’ Souza L (1997) Micropropagation of Butea monosperma (Lam) Taub In: Trends in Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. (Ed) L. K. Pareek. Agro Botanical Publishers, Bikaner. 291-293
- Hegde S & D’Souza L. (1997) In Vitro studies of Drynaria quercifolia- an endangered fern. In: Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 113-115
- Augustine AC & D’Souza L (1997) Conservation of Curculigo orchioides- an endangered anticarcinogenic herb. In: Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 116-118
- Cardoza V, D’Souza L & D’Silva I (1997) Fasciation of multiple shoots of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) . In : Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 119-122
- Rajendra K and D’Souza L (1997) Direct organogenesis from internodal segments of Murraya koenigii. Spreng. (syn. Bergera koenigii. Linn.) In : Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 123-125
- Kulkarni KR & D’Souza L. (1997) Micropropagation of Artocarpus incisus L. In: Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A.
- Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 137-140.
- D’Souza L, Hegde S, Augustine AC, Rajendra K, Cardoza V, Kulkarni KR & D’Silva I (1997) Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L. ) is a useful but hard nut to crack!. In In: Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 174-179
- Augustine AC & D’Souza L (1997) Micropropagation of an endangered forest tree - Zanthoxylum rhetsa. Phytomorphology 47(3):319-323
- Augustine AC & D’Souza L (1997) Somatic embryogenesis in Gnetum ula Brongn. (Gnetum edule) (Willd) Blume. Plant Cell Reports 16:354-357.
- Augustine AC & D’Souza L (1997) Regeneration of an anticarcinogenic herb, Curculigo orchioides (Gaertn.). In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant 33(2)
- Rajendra K & D’Souza L (1998) Direct organogenesis from internodal segments of mature Murraya koenigii. Phytomorphology 48(4):427-431
- D’Souza L, Rajendra K, Cardoza V, Augustine AC, Hegde S & D’Silva I (1998). Micropropagation and conservation of medicinal plants. In : Khan IA & Khanum A (eds). Role of biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants (Vol 1). Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad, pp 57-82
- Cardoza V, D’Souza L, D’Silva I (1999) Controlling contamination in cashew . In : P B Kavi Kishore (ed) Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology – Emerging Trends pp.156-159
- D’Souza L, Augustine AC, Rajendra K, Hegde S, Cardoza V & D’Silva I (1999) Rejuvenation-A major problem in micropropagation. In: Kavi Kishor PB (ed) Plant tissue culture and Biotechnology – Emerging Trends. pp 22-28
- Augustine AC & D’Souza L. (1999) Somatic embryogenesis in Gnetum ula . In : Jain SM, Gupta PK, & Newton RJ (eds) Somatic embryogenesis in woody plants (Vol 5) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp 79-94
- Rajendra K & D’Souza L (1999) In vitro propagation of ayurvedic plants (Vol II) In : Khan IA & Khanum A (eds). Role of biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants (Vol 1). Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad, pp 207- 237
- Cardoza V & D’Souza L (1999) Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Mussaenda philippica var. Aurorae. Gartenbauwissenschaft 64(1):6-8
- Hegde S & D’Souza L (1999) Effect of season on contamination and in vitro germination of the spores of Drynaria quercifolia. Indian Fern Journal 16:30-34
- Hegde S and D’Souza L (2000) In vitro sporophyte production from rhizome of Drynaria quercifolia. Indian Fern Journal 17:72-76
- Kulkarni K and D’Souza L (2000) Control of in vitro shoot tip necrosis in Butea monosperma. Current Science 78 (2): 125-126.
- Cardoza V and D’Souza L (2000) Direct somatic embryogenesis from immature cotyledons of cashew (Anacardium occidentale). Phytomorphology 50: 201-204.
- Hegde S and D’Souza L (2000) Recent advances in biotechnology of ferns. In : Trivedi PC (ed) Plant Biotechnology : Recent advances. Panima Publishing Corporation, New Delhi. pp 213-237
- Rajendra K and D’Souza L (2000) Secondary metabolites of Ayurvedic plants in vitro. In : Trivedi PC (ed) Plant Biotechnology : Recent advances. Panima Publishing Corporation, New Delhi pp 350-362
- Rajendra K, Cardoza V, Hegde S, Anuradha M & D’Souza L (2000) Production of Herbal drugs in vitro. In : Khan IA & Khanum A (eds). Role of biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants (Vol 1) Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad, pp 128 –144
- D’Souza L (2000) Jesuits for environment. Perpectives of biological sciences. Workshop on Environment, The Anglade Institute of Natural History, Kodaikanal. Abs 6.
- D’Souza Leo Need for Jesuits of India to work in scientific research. International conference of Jesuits in science Dyna Ashram Chennai Jan 2001
- Cardoza V and D’Souza L (2002) Induction, development and germination of somatic embryos from nucellar tissues of cashew. Scientia Horticulturae 93: 367-372
- Smitha Hegde, L.D’Souza, Rajendra K, Shashi Kiran & Anuradha M. (2002) Pathways in Plant Biotechnology. In: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Biotechnology- Challenges and Prospects. Mangalore. 4th – 6th Jan
- Cardoza V and D’Souza L (2002) Transient Gus expression using particle gun bombardment in cashew. Journal of Plantation Crops (in print)
- Rajendra K and D’Souza L. (2002) Callus formation and regeneration of Murraya koenigii. Journal of Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. (in print)
- Rajendra K, Nivas S, Hegde S, Cardoza V, Anuradha M and D’Souza L (2002) Biotechnological applications in Ayurvedic medicinal plants. In: Series Recent progress in Medicinal Plants, Vol.4 – Biotechnology and genetic engineering (Eds) JN Govil, P Ananda Kumar & Singh VK pp 99-108
- Smitha Hegde & D’Souza L.(2002) Axenic culture of Drynaria quercifolia L.f from spores for ornamental purposes In: Plant biotechnology for sustainable hill agriculture, Defence Agricultural Research Laboratory, Pithoragarh, (Eds) Narendra Kumar, Negi PS and Singh NK. 74-77
- Augustine AC and D’Souza L (2002) Correlation of rate of germination of seeds and callus induction in Gnetum ula. In: Kumar N, Negi PS and Singh NK (eds) Proceedings of the National Seminar on Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Hill Agriculture. Pithoragarh, pp 97-98
- Das S and D’Souza L (2002) Alternative substrates for in vitro culture of Musa spp (Cavendish). In: Kumar N, Negi PS and Singh NK (eds) Proceedings of the National Seminar on Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Hill Agriculture. Pithoragarh, pp 99-100
- Smitha Hegde & D’Souza L. (2002) Conservation of Tree ferns of the Western Ghats In: Proceeding of the National Symposium on Problems and Prospects of Environment in the new millennium. Department of Bio-Sciences, Mangalore University
- Rajendra K, Nivas S, Hegde S, Cardoza V, Anuradha M and D’Souza L (2002). Biotechnological Applications in Ayurvedic medicinal plants. In : Govil JN, Kumar PA and Singh VK (eds) Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants, Vol 4 - Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. Sci Tech Publishers, USA, pp 99-108
- Smitha Hegde, L.D’Souza, Rajendra K, Shashi Kiran & Anuradha M. (2002) Pathways in Plant Biotechnology. In: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Biotechnology- Challenges and Prospects. Mangalore. 4th – 6th Jan.
- D’Souza L., Anuradha M, Smitha Hegde, Shashikiran Nivas and K Rajendra. ( 2003) (eds) Biotechnology – challenges and prospects. LAB Publication Mangalore
- Hegde S and D’Souza L (2003) Influence of media on in vitro growth and development of gametophytes of Drynaria quercifolia. Indian Fern Journal (accepted for publication)*
- D’Souza L., Anuradha M, Smitha Hegde, Shashikiran Nivas and K Rajendra Biotechnology – Challenges and Prospects. ( Eds) LAB Publication Mangalore 248 pp 2003
- D’Souza Leo 2003 A contribution to the debate “ Is genetically modified food a poison” Promotio Justitiae 79 16-19
- Hegde Smitha and L. D’Souza ( 2004) In vitro patterns of development of Drynaria quercifolia. IN: L. D’Souza , Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde and K Rajendra ( eds) Biotechnology for a better future. SAC Publications, Mangalore 47-50
- D’Souza L. , Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde and K Rajendra (2004) ( eds) Biotechnology for a better future. SAC Publications, Mangalore 320 pp
- Sashi Kiran Nivas and L. D’Souza ( 2004) Somaclonal variation in tissue culture derived mature cashew trees. J.Plantation Crops 32 144-146
- Hegde Smitha and L. D’Souza ( 2004) In vitro patterns of development of Drynaria quercifolia. IN: L. D’Souza , Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde and K Rajendra ( eds) Biotechnology for a better future. SAC Publications, Mangalore 47-50
- D’Souza L. , Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde and K Rajendra (2004) ( eds) Biotechnology for a better future. SAC Publications, Mangalore 320 pp
- Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde, K Rajendra, Vinitha Cardoza, Icy D’Silva and L. D’Souza. 2005 Challenges in Cashew Tissue Culture: An Overview. In Ashwani Kumar, Shikha Roy and Sudhir Sopory (Eds) Plant Biotechnology & Its Applications in Tissue Culture. I.K. International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore. Chap 25 301-303
- D’Souza L. Smitha Hegde, Shashikiran Nivas. Biotechnology and food security. IX Conference of the European Jesuits in Science. FUNDP Namur Belgium 7-11 September 2005
- Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde, K Rajendra, Vinitha Cardoza, Icy D’Silva and L. D’Souza. 2005 Challenges in Cashew Tissue Culture: An Overview. In Ashwani Kumar, Shikha Roy and Sudhir Sopory (Eds) Plant Biotechnology & Its Applications in Tissue Culture. I.K. International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore. Chap 25 301-303
- Hegde Smitha, Vipin Kumar Menon, Rudloph Noronha and L. D’Souza 2006 Callus culture and an unconventional pattern of sporophyte regeneration in Drynaria quercifolia – A medicinal fern. In Vitro Plant 42 6 508-513
- D’Souza L. Christian faith in an evolving world of science. Thalassery February 11-12 2006.
- D’Souza Leo Harnessing biotechnology for Indian needs: The contributions of the Laoratory of Applied Biology. International symposium on Jesuits and Modern Science : Past heritage, present status and future prospects. Pune Jan 2007
- D’Souza L, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde, Sequeira Melwyn, D’Cunha Melwyn. Plants in relation to man’s search for the divine. Plants in relation to man and biosphere. St Xavier’s College Mumbai November 2007
- Sequeira M., D’Souza L. and Nivas Shashikiran . Problems in the in vitro propagation of the red listed plant Coscinium fenestratum. 2007 National Workshop on Prioritisation and Characaterisation of fast growing native tree resources” Aug 8-9. Organized by the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
- Nivas S K, Menon V K, Hegde S, D’Souza W, D’Souza L and Ghosh S B (2007).Agrobaceterium Mediated Transformation of Anacardium occidentale L (Cashew) using GFP markers System. Acta Horticulturae 738 467-472
- Sequeira M, D’Souza L, Shashikiran Nivas 2008 Challenges of the in vitro propagation of the red listed plant C. fenestratum. Presented at the National symposium on “ Plant biotechnology for conservation, characterization and crop improvement” 8-10 February 2008. Udaipur
- Alice Clare Augustine, Shashikiran Nivas & L.D`Souza (2008) In Induction of embryos and plantlets from anthers of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.,an endangered medicinal herb. Ind J of Biotech Vol 7,536-540
- Santhosh W Goveas, Shashikiran Nivas, Melwyn Sequeira, Kushalappa C G Ramakrishna Nayak and L. D’Souza 2009. Efforts for the recovery of the red-lissted species Coscinium fenestratum for its reintroduction into the forest. P 30 National Seminar on ‘Global Climate Change and its impact on Biodiversity’ February 19 -20 2009.St Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai.
- Santhosh W Goveas, Shashikran Nivas and L. D’Souza, Micropropagation of Coscinium fenestratum an endangered medicinal plant. 2009 National Semian. Conversing Sciences for Quality Life – February 24 -26 2009. Mount Carmel College, Bangalore.
- L. D’Souza, Shashi Kiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde, Melwyn Sequeira, Melwyn D’Cunha. Year ?* Plants in relation to man’s search for the divine. Published in?*
- S.W.Goveas, Shashi Kiran Nivas and L.D’Souza.(2011). Development of high frequency multiple shoots in the yellow cactus Selenicereus megalanthus. Journal of Applied Horticulture, Vol 13 (1):42-44.
- Santhosh W Goveas, Shashi Kiran Nivas and L.D’Souza (2011). Conserving Biodiversity-case ofCoscinium fenestratum, a red listed plant of Western Ghats. Swamy Botanicals,28:33-38
- Santhosh W.Goveas, Smitha Hegde, S.K.Nivas and L.D,Souza (2011).Study of berberine content in stem and callus extracts of Coscinium fenestratum using HPTLC and HPLC techniques.International Journal of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry, Vol 1(2):145-152
- Santhosh W Goveas, Madtha R, Nivas SK, D'Souza L (2011). Isolation of endophytic fungi from Coscinium fenestratum -a red listed endangered medicinal plant. Eurasian J Biosci 5: 48-53.
- Santhosh W. Goveas, Shashi Kiran Nivas and D’Souza L. (2011). Breaking Dormancy and Improving Germination of Coscinium fenestratum Seeds, A Red Listed Endangered Medicinal Plant.Adv Bio Tech:10(11):39-41.
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2013) “Effects of different parameters on the growth of Chlorella sp.” at the National seminar on “Trends in environmental biotechnology and its applications” organized by St. Aloysius College, Mangalore - 10 -11th December 2013.
- Shashi Kiran Nivas and L. D`Souza.(2014). Genetic Fidelity in Micropropagated Plantlets of Anacardium occidentale L. (Cashew) an Important Fruit Tree. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 3 Issue 11:2142-2146
- P. Raghunathachari, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L. D`Souza. (2014). Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation of a Pure Line Variety of Hot Pepper, RCL 59M. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 3 Issue 11:2147-2150
- Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L’DSouza (2014) “Phenolics and Antioxidative Properties of Red Banana (Musa acuminata)” presented at National seminar on “Natural vs. Synthetic Drugs-A Medicinal Approch” organized by Department of Biochemistry(PG), St. Aloysius College(Autonomous) Mangalore, in association with Society of Biological Chemists, held on 30th September 2014
- Sachin S.P, Abel John, Pallavi B, Shashi Kiran Nivas, Leo D' Souza (2014) “Flavonoid Assay of Methanolic Extract of Coreopsis Lanceolata” presented at National seminar on “Plant Biotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Department of Biotechnology, faculty of sciences, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi, held on 3rd and 4th March 2014
- Sachin S.P, Abel John, Pallavi B, Shashi Kiran Nivas, Leo D' Souza (2014) “Callus induction and flavonoid extraction from Coreopsis lanceolata” presented at National seminar on “Plant Biodiversity of Western Ghats and Its Sustainable Devolopment” organized by Department of Botany, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial College, Udupi, held on 23rd and 24th January 2014.
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza(2014) “Optimization of biomass and lipid production using a locally formulated media in Chlorella, a potential bioresource alga” at the International conference on “Bioresources, biodiversity and biotechnology”, Mysore -30 – 31st January 2014.
- Sachin S.P, Jyothi Miranda (2015 )“Isolaton and Growth Study of Pandorina morum For its Lipid Composition” at National seminar on “New Vistas in Biological Sciences” organized by Department of biological sciences, St. Aloysius College(Autonomous) held on 15th and 16th January 2017 (Best oral presentation award)
- Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L’Dsouza (2015) “Phenolics and Antioxidative Properties of Red Banana (Musa acuminata)” at National seminar on “Biological Products for Crop, Animal and Human Health Problems-Problems and Prospects ” organized by National academy of biological sciences and University of Mysore, held on 21st and 22nd August 2015
- Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L’DSouza (2015) “Isolation And Growth Study of Nitzschia Sp. For its Lipid Composition and Biofuel Production” at National conference on “Advances in Environmental Biotechnology for Sustainability ” organized by Department of Biotechnology, Alva’s College, moodibidri, held on 6th and 7th February 2015
- Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L’Dsouza (2015) “Preliminary Screening for Phytochemicals of Plietesial Plant, Strobilanthes kunthiana (Neela kurinji)” presented at National Symposium on “Biotechnology and Molecular Biology for Industry and Common Man” organized by Department of Biotechnology (PG St. Aloysius College(Autonomous), in association with Plant Tissue Culture Association of India, held on 29th and 31st January 2015
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2015) “Lipid profile of chlorella conglomerata under nutrient deprived conditions” at the National symposium on Biotechnology and Molecular Biology for industry and Common Man & PTCA meet, Aloysius College, Mangalore. – 29 -31st January 2015.
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2015) “Ultrastructural studiesand ftir lipid assessment of local algal strains for biofuel production” at the National Conference on Advances in Environmental Biotechnology for sustainability, Alva’s college, Moodbidri. – 6- 7th February, 2015.
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016) “Enhancing growth of local alga using farmwaste formulated media for biofuel production” at the National conference on algal technologies, Andhra University, Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 4th January 2016.
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016)“Enhanced biomass and lipid content in local algae using low cost media” at the International conference on green technologies for sustainable ecosystems, St josephs college, Bangalore, India - 26th -27th February 2016.
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016) “Screening of local algal isolates for their potential as biofuel resources” - Presented at the 12th workshop on Cyanobacteria, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA - 19 – 22nd May, 2016.
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016) “Bio-prospecting local microalgae for their biofuel potential” - Presented at the International conference on Microalgal and Cyanobacterial Biotechnology, Bharthidasan University, Trichy - 29th - 31st August, 2016.
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016) “Distribution Study Of Freshwater Microalgae In Water Bodies Of Dakshina Kannada” - Presented at the LAKE 2016: International Conference on Conservation and Mangaement of the Western ghats, Alva's College, Moodbidri - 28 - 31st December, 2016
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza, Smitha Hegde. (2016). Enhanced biomass and lipid accumulation in local microalga for biofuels using low cost waste media. Biovistas: Internatinal Journal of biological Research. 5(7): 117 - 124. ISSN- 2321-0524
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza, Smitha Hegde. (2016). Improved biomass and lipid accumulation in microalga for biofuel using low cost formulated media. In the proceedings of Ethnobotany and herbal technology – oppurtunities and challenges. 88-92. ISBN-978-93-5254-227-7.
- Jyotsna K, Nikitha H S, Alifha Severes, Smitha Hegde. (2016). Screening high lipid accumulating strains for biofuel production. In the proceedings of Ethnobotany and herbal technology – oppurtunities and challenges. 68 - 71. ISBN-978-93-5254-227-7.
- Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas (2017 ) “High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Simultaneous Detection and Quantification of Vitamin-C, Benzoate And Benzene” at international seminar on green chemistry and nanotechnology- challenges and opportunities-2017 organized by Department of post graduate chemistry, food science and technology and DDU kaushal kendra, St. Aloysius College(Autonomous)held on 27th and 28th February 2017
- Vinutha, Sachin Patvardan and Lyned D Lasrado (2017) “Effect of freeze drying and spray drying on the total phenolic content and surface morphology of Basella alba L. stem mucilage” at National seminar on “Natural Bioactive compounds and Potential Effects an Health” organized by Department of post graduate studies and research in biochemistry, St. Aloysius College(Autonomous) held on 27th January 2017
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2017) “Freshwater microalgal diversity of the coastal region of Mangalore” - Presented at the National conference on Biodiversity, Biology and Biotechnology of Algae, University of Madras, Chennai - 9 -10th January, 2017
- Severes A, Hegde S, D’Souza L, Hegde S. (2017). Use of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for enhanced lipid production in micro-algae based biofuels. J Photochemistry Photobiology B. 170: 235-240.
- Kumar, Kiran, Sachin S. Patavardhan, Saritha Lobo, and Richard Gonsalves.(2018) "Equilibrium study of dried orange peel for its efficiency in removal of cupric ions from water." International journal of phytoremediation 20, no. 6 (2018): 593-598.
- Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza, Smitha Hegde. (2018). Diversity study of freshwater microalgae of some unexplored water bodies of a rapidly developing industrial region in India. J. Algal Biomass Utln. 9(2): 31-40.
- Roopa Shirva, Shashikiran Nivas., “Microalgal biodiversity of temple ponds of Dakshina Kannada” presented at “Lake Symposium 2018, The 11th Biennial Lake Conference on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Riverine Ecosystems” organized by Alva`s college, Moodabidri
- Sachin S Patavardhan, L DSouza, Keshav Prasad, Shashikiran Nivas., “Proteomic analysis of broad mite infestation in chilli” at national level seminar “Recent Advances in Biochemistry” organized by Department of postgraduate studies and research in biochemistry St Aloysius college Mangalore on 23rd feb 2019
- Sachin S Patavardhan, L DSouza, Keshav Prasad, Shashikiran Nivas., “Insect - plant interactions: Proteomic overview of broad mite infestation in chilli” at national level seminar in “Current trends in Entamology and Insect- Plant interactions” organized by Department of botany and zoology of St Aloysius college Mangalore on 11-12th Sept. 2019.
- Sachin S Patavardhan, L DSouza, Keshav Prasad, Shashikiran Nivas., Proteomic analysis of broad mite infestation in chilli” at international conference on “Affordable stratergies for health and environment” organized by NMAM institute of technology NITTE deemed to be university on 23-24th may 2019.
- Shashikiran Nivas, Sachin S Patavardhan, LD’Souza., Proteomic analysis of broad mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus) infestation in Chili (Capsicum frutescens) presented at “International Conference on Trends in Plant Sciences and Agrobiotechnology-2019 (ICTPA2019) and 40th Meeting of Plant Tissue Culture Association-India (PTCA-I)2020” organized by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India.
- Sulakshana Karkala, Michelle Rodrigues, Sachin Patavardhan, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran., “Chlorophycean Micro Algae as A Potential Bioremediant: An Investigative study using a Group C Carcinogenic fungicide” presented at “International conference on affordable stratergies for health and environment” organized by NMAM institute of technology NITTE deemed to be university on 23-24th may 2019.
- Sulakshana Karkala, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran., “Bioprospecting locally sourced Chlorella thermophila for crude protein” presented at National Conference on Bioprospecting of Algae 2019”organized by Central Univerity of Kerala, Periye, Kerala, 120.
- Sachin S Patavardhan, L DSouza, Keshav Prasad, Shashikiran Nivas., “Broad mite infestation in chili: A proteomic approach to hormone regulation” presented at national conference “29th Swadeshi Science Congress - national conference on scince and technology for sustainable development” organized by ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute on 27-29 Feb. 2020.
- Patavardhan SS, Subba P, Najar A, Awasthi K, D'Souza L, Prasad TSK, Nivas SK. Plant-Pathogen Interactions: Broad Mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus)-Induced Proteomic Changes in Chili Pepper Plant (Capsicum frutescens). OMICS. 2020 Aug 11. doi: 10.1089/omi.2020.0080. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32780627.
- Sachin S. Patavardhan, Jyothi Miranda, Shashi Kiran Nivas., “Isolation, Growth and Characterization of Lipids from Pandorina morum for Biofuel Production” Journal of Bioresources 7(1): 78-90(2020)
- S Hegde, S Nivas, L D’Souza., Anacardium occidentale Cashew., Litz RE, Pliego-Alfaro F, Hormaza JI, editors. Biotechnology of fruit and nut crops. CABI; 2020 Jan 29.[Book chapter]
- D’Souza, L. (2020). Jesuit Contributions to Biological Sciences in India. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 7(2), 263-281.
- Sulakshana Karkala, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran., “Chlorella thermophila: an unharnessed novel thermophile capable of multi-industry application” presented at “10th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB 2021)” organized by Elsevier.
- Karkala, S., D’souza, L. E. O., & Kiran, S. (2021). Triggering Chromatic Shift In Chlorella Thermophila MN006612 Using Led Sourced Mono And Multichromatic Light Treatments Increases Production Of Biomass, Pigments And Proteins. Plant Cell Biotechnology And Molecular Biology, 141-152. Published on 19 April 2021.
- Sulakshana Karkala, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran “ Bioprospecting Chlorella thermophila : a novel thermophile” presented at the International Symposium on Advances in Plant biotechnology and genome editing and 42nd Meeting of the Plant Tissue Culture Association (India) organized at ICAR- Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi on April 8-10 2021.
- Shashi Kiran Nivas , Sachin S. Patavardhan, Kriti Awasthi, Pratigya Subba, Mohd Altaf Najar, Thottethodi Subrahmanya Keshava Prasad, Leo D’Souza “A look into proteomic landscape of plant-hormone interactions in birds eye chilli (Capsicusm frutescence)” presented at the International Symposium on Advances in Plant biotechnology and genome editing and 42nd Meeting of the Plant Tissue Culture Association (India) organized at ICAR- Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi on April 8-10 2021.
- Sachin S. Patavardhan, Kriti Awasthi, Pratigya Subba, Mohd Altaf Najar, Leo D’Souza, Thottethodi Subrahmanya Keshava Prasad, Shashi Kiran Nivas,.(2021) “Unravelling post translational modifications in plant-pathogen interaction through proteomic analysis of broad mite infestation in birds eye chilli” at International symposium on “Advances in plant biotechnology and genome editing” & 42nd meeting of plant tissue culture association (india) organized by ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi, India, on 8-10th April 2021.
- Patavardhan, Sachin S., Kriti Awasthi, Suhasini Suresh, Pratigya Subba, Mohd Altaf Najar, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran Nivas, and Thottethodi Subrahmanya Keshava Prasad. (2021) "Proteome dataset of chili pepper plant (Capsicum frutescens) infested by broad mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus)." Data in brief 36 (2021): 107095.