Three Jesuit deacons ordained priests in Bangalore
On : 2021-10-03
Bangalore: Two deacons from Karnataka, RS Pradeep SJ, and Vincent Jaison SJ, and a deacon from Andhra Province Augustin Kurian Thottail SJ were ordained priests on Saturday, October 2. The ceremony took place at St Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bengaluru where Archbishop of Bangalore Most. Rev. Peter Machado ordained the deacons in the presence Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ, Provincial of Karnataka, and Fr Koppala Stanislaus SJ, Provincial of Andhra Province.
The three deacons voiced a joyful ‘Yes’ at the initiation ceremony which was followed by the Archbishop’s homily in which he outlined the sanctity and requisites of the priesthood. Drawing from the wellspring of St Ignatius’ Suscipe and Prayer for Generosity, Archbishop Machado said, “The call to the priesthood is also a call to experience death, that God makes success out of our failures. I urge you deacons to prioritise God above all things.”
The ceremony of the institution to the priesthood included the deacons affirmatively promising their obedience and fidelity to the Bishop and the Provincial, followed by the litany to saints, where the whole congregation, kneeling prayerfully, implored the saints to intercede for the deacons. The next to follow was the ceremony of laying of hands where each priest present at the Holy Eucharist laid their hands on the head of each deacon praying for the descent of the Holy Spirit. Finally, the Archbishop through the prayer of institution ordained the deacons as priests. Fr Stanislaus SJ, Fr Balaraju SJ, and Frs Patrick Jonas and Mari Joseph vested Frs Augustine Kurian SJ, RS Pradeep SJ, and Vincent Jaison SJ, respectively. From then on the newly ordained priests concelebrated the Holy Eucharist with the Archbishop.
After the Ordination mass, a small felicitation programme was organised. Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ, Provincial of Karnataka, and Fr Koppala Stanislaus SJ, Provincial of Andhra felicitated the newly ordained priests by draping them with a shawl and presenting a sapling each. A video depicting the lives of the trio was played, in which they enumerated their God experience and their future vision. The parents and family members of the newly ordained priests were also felicitated, followed by a funnybones style toast by Fr Shanthraj SJ.
Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ in his short message urged the newly ordained priests to be mindful of the poorest. Fr Koppala Stanislaus SJ thanked the Karnataka province and Jesuit Nivas community for their help. The newly ordained priest Fr RS Pradeep SJ expressed his heartfelt sentiments on behalf of all the newly ordained priests.
Earlier, Fr Anthony Pradeep SJ, the master of the ceremony, paved the way for the Holy Eucharistic celebration with his introduction. Scholastics from regional theologate, Anekal conducted the choir.
- Sch. Maria Divij SJ