Student council of SJHS Hassan attends leadership programme
On : 2022-11-28

The student council of St Joseph’s High school, Hassan had a three-day leadership training camp in Bangalore from November 19-21. They were accompanied by the Headmaster, Fr Henry saldanha SJ and two lady teachers. Fr Maxim Dias SJ coordinated the input sessions from various resource persons. The camp was inaugurated by Fr Maxim Dias SJ and Fr Rohan Almeida SJ at St Joseph’s CBSE School. Fr Rohan Almeida gave the keynote address and encouraged the students to gain skills of different types of leadership.
Sch Reuell SJ, through his action songs and games enlightened the students on communication skills and its importance in the process of becoming leaders. Mr Prashanth, assistant professor from St Joseph’s University, conducted a session on goal setting. He highlighted the importance of setting goals, how to achieve goals and teamwork in leadership.
The student council also participated in the St Joseph’s Boys’ High school event Phenomenon in the evening.
On the second day, the students visited St Joseph’s University and had the entire day’s sessions there. Ms Rashmi, an AICUF leader, conducted the first session. She motivated the student council by sharing her own experience of leadership. She highlighted the importance of time, goal and love in the life of every leader. Mr Augustine, another AICUF leader, enlightened the students on the art of listening as a leader.
Fr Praveen Martis SJ, took an in-depth session on leadership. He spoke on different types of leaders in different areas. Through an activity, he taught the students how to work in a team. He highlighted the characteristics of a good leader.
The students also visited the planetarium in the afternoon.
On the third day, the students spent their day at Bangalore Jesuit Education Society (BJES) campus. They had their first session at LTC at St Joseph’s Boys High school. They had hands-on experience on STEM. Mr Steevan, through his clear communicative style interacted with the students and taught them.
The second session was at Samagra prayer hall. Fr Brain Pereira SJ and Dr Smitha conducted a session on yogic exercise which helps every leader to relax and helps them to focus.
The third session was at St Joseph’s College of Law. Fr Jerald Dsouza SJ, Director, welcomed the students and highlighted the importance of the Constitution and explained the meaning of the Preamble to the Constitution.
The students had their fourth session at St Joseph’s College of Commerce. Dr Lavakumar, a professor of Kannada department, took a session on Nataka and Kalike through street play and humour.
The fifth session was held at St Joseph’s Pre-University College on teenage issues. The team of PUC staff along with their Director welcomed the students with warmth. Mr Arvind and his team conducted the session on teenage issues. They spoke on the importance of self-knowledge - Who Am I and What am I. The students learnt skills on handling exam fear, stress, how to relate to people and make new friends.
The student council enjoyed the hospitality and care from all the Jesuit communities and institutions in Bangalore. The three-day programme was not only an eye opener but also an exposure to Jesuit institutions in Bangalore. The students have come back with new skills on leadership.
- Henry Saldanha SJ