Six Jesuit deacons consecrated priests in Mangalore

On : 2023-10-15

Six Jesuit deacons were ordained priests at the Church of Fathima Retreat House, Mangalore on October 14. Ashwin D’Silva, Jason Lobo, Vinod Saldanha, Vishal Pinto, Arvin Pais and Leston Lobo were consecrated as priests by Bishop Francis Serrao SJ of Shivamogga diocese in a concelebrated high mass.

In his introduction, Bishop Serrao said that the six men were writing a new chapter of their life. “This chapter is written not by them alone, but they write this chapter along with the Lord. As the Lord sent his disciples two by two on a mission, today these men are also sent on a mission; but the Lord himself will accompany them,” he said.

Further, Bishop Serrao said in his homily that a priest has three-dimensional identity: that of a king, a shepherd and a prophet. “Kingly role is basically to serve his people. As a shepherd, a priest is called upon to protect his flock. He has to bear the treacherous journey with the flock. And as a prophet, he needs to speak and fight for his people, especially those who are deprived and unjustly treated,” he added.

He called upon the newly ordained priest to be a reflection of Christ. “A priest is supposed to be alter Christus – another Christ. People who encounter you must see Christ in you, because they may be unable to experience Christ who is not seen physically. Hence, the life of a priest must radiate the life of Christ,” he advised the new priests.

Speaking on the occasion, provincial of Karnataka Jesuit province, Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ congratulated the new priests. Thanking the parents for their supreme generosity of offering their sons to the Society of Jesus, Fr Vaz acknowledge the role a devout family plays in nurturing vocations. “Pope Francis says, give me a good family and I will give you a good priest. It is in good and devout families that vocations to priesthood and religious life sprout. As we celebrate these six new priests, I pray that more such men may emerge from good families,” he added.

Fr Joseph D’Souza SJ introduced the new priests. Provincial Fr Dionysius Vaz felicitated them and their parents. New priest Fr Leston Lobo SJ thanked all those who had helped in the smooth conduct of the programme. Fr Anush D’Cunha SJ coordinated the ceremony.