New office of province youth ministry inaugurated

On : 2023-08-29

The new office of the youth ministry of Karnataka province was blessed and inaugurated on August 27. The centre is situated at St Joseph’s PU College campus, Museum Road, Bangalore.

Inaugurating the centre, Provincial Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ said that the new centre should give the members of the youth commission renewed vigour. “This centre will give you right direction for the process of planning and executing youth works in the province,” he said.

Later, the youth commission met for deliberations to plan out activities for the year. Fr Brian Pereira, Rector of Jesuit Nivas and former coordinator of youth ministry, shared his personal experiences of active involvement in youth work and counselling and shed light on some of the approaches for effective youth ministry. The group also reflected on the Karnataka province apostolic preferences, especially the preference of integral formation of the youth.

There was fruitful discussion and sharing of ideas by the Jesuits, the collaborators and the youngsters present for the meeting. Frs Maxim Dias, Joyson Vaz and Chin Khap Sian Muang (KHM) shared about their labour in youth ministry. Fr Maxim Dias handed over the baton of youth works to Fr Joel Fernandes, the new director.

- Joel Fernandes SJ