Kannada translation of Fr Stan Swamy’s book released
On : 2022-11-15

The Kannada translation of Fr Stan Swamy’s book I am not a silent spectator was released on November 12 at Prerana, Mount St Joseph, Bangalore. The Kannada translation is titled ‘Naanu Mooka Prekshakanalla’. The translation work has been carried out by Dr Vincent A., Vice Principal of Loyola Degree College, Mount St Joseph and his sister Lilly Theresa.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Vincent said that they had tried to be faithful to the original text of Fr Stan Swamy. “It was indeed a tough job translating this text. It was also a moving experience. I have even wept when reading some of the harrowing experiences that Fr Swamy went through in the jail. He continues to inspire everyone. May he live forever in our memories,” he said.
Ms Lilly Theresa said that she too was moved while translating this work. “Indeed, Fr Stan Swamy is a saint,” she added.
Provincial Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ said that he was greatly indebted to the translators for accepting to do this difficult work. He thanked them profusely. “There are three kinds of intellectuals: The fist category are conventional intellectuals who basically do desk work. There are the second type who are organic intellectuals who can analyse and give insights sifting through facts. But there is the third category - these are public intellectuals who strive to bring about a change in society through their dedicated work on the ground. Fr Stan Swamy belonged to this third category,” he said.
He also thanked St Joseph’s University administration for publishing the book. Dr (Fr) Alponse Fernandes SJ, Principal of Loyola Degree College, compered the programme.