Jesuit cemetery at MSJ gets a facelift

On : 2022-11-13

The renovated Jesuit cemetery at Mount St Joseph (MSJ), Bangalore was blessed and inaugurated on November 13. The blessing began with a prayer service led by Fr Nithin Machado, Socius to the Novice Director. Provincial, Fr Dionysius Vaz blessed the renovated cemetery and made the concluding prayer.

In his short message, Fr Vaz thanked all those who were responsible in the implementation of the project. “The spirit of the dead lives in the memories of the living. It is fitting that we have renovated this cemetery and made it beautiful. It is now not just a place for our dead, but also a place of prayer, especially for the retreatants,” he said.

He thanked Fr Anthony Joseph, Rector of MSJ, for taking the lead in the renovation work. He also thanked Mr Loy D’Mello, the contractor, who took up the renovation work.

On a lighter note, one Jesuit was heard saying that the place looks so attractive and welcoming, that people now are ‘dying to come to the cemetery’.