Fr Michael John celebrates golden jubilee of priesthood

On : 2022-03-09

The Sacerdotal Golden Jubilee of Fr Michael John was celebrated on March 6 at St Joseph’s Boys High School chapel. The eucharist was celebrated by Fr Michael John and concelebrated by the other jubilarians Frs Raymond D’Souza, Chinnappan Mariaraj and Walter Fernandes along with Bishop Francis Serrao and provincial, Fr Dionysius Vaz. Bishop Francis preached a meaningful homily.

The felicitation programme after the mass was meaningful and memorable. The humble journey of Fr Michael’s life was well depicted and enumerated through a video presentation. The family members and the Jesuit family got the glimpses of Fr Michael's life as a humane and much-lovedpPriest. Bishop Serrao and provincial Fr Vaz graced the occasion. The jubilarian was felicitated by Bishop Serrao, Fr Vaz, Rector Fr Brian Periera and Fr Vishal D'Souza.

As the jubilarian cut the cake, Fr Freddie D'Silva raised the toast in his witty and inimitable style. The felicitation song by the Jesuit Nivas community was melodious.

Bishop Serrao draped a shawl and Fr Vaz Provincial presented a memento to other jubilarians. Fr Raymond D’Souza who completed 52 years of service in Nagaland, was with Fr Michael John in Jhakhama Loyola School and in Phesama for 6 years in St Paul’s Institute of Education; Fr Walter Fernandes was Fr Michael’s novice companion and was representing the Kohima Region; Fr Chinnappan Mariaraj will be celebrating his golden jubilee of priesthood on March 15; Fr Freddie D’Silva celebrated 60 years diamond jubilee as a Jesuit last year; Fr Pradeep Sequeira will be celebrating his 60 years diamond jubilee as a Jesuit this year on July 3; Fr Anil Carnelio, the nephew of Fr Michael John who is celebrating his 25 years silver jubilee of priesthood.

A good number of Jesuits and a few relatives of Fr Michael were present for the celebration.

- Sunil Cletus Fernandes SJ