Advanced JESCOL for Bangalore zone -I held
On : 2021-07-26

The three-day Advanced JESCOL was organised for the administrative office bearers of Jesuit schools, PUCs and Degree Colleges from July 26 to 28 at Ashirvad, Bangalore. A total of 35 participants were present and actively participated in the programme.
The programme itself consisted of the following themes:
- Leadership and Ignatian Leadership (Resource person: Fr Denzil Lobo SJ)
- Jesuits and Lay Collaboration (Resource persons: Fr Swebert D’Silva SJ and Mr Christopher D’Souza)
- Our situation today: Indian and global religio-cultural, political-economic situation, constitutional values and the role of Jesuit Education in this context; Jesuit history of social involvement from 1980s (Resource persons: Frs Jerald D’Souza SJ and Joseph Xavier SJ)
- Vision of life: Ignatian perspectives; Ignatian decision making process (Resource person: Fr Joseph D’Mello SJ)
- The anatomy of human interiority; Dyamics of Examination of Consciousness (Resource person: Fr Joseph Lobo SJ)
The sessions consisted of inputs, group activities, group sharing and discussion; plenary reporting; practical of Examen of Consciousness.
Written evaluation of each session from the participants was taken (Jesuits and non-Jesuits separately). Overall there was a high appreciation of the entire programme and desire to have more such programmes was clearly expressed by the participants. A few sessions are being reworked on the basis of the feedback.
One more group from the Bangalore zone will go through the same programme on from September 14 to16.
- Fr Joseph Lobo SJ