30 young priests regroup for young priests’ meet
On : 2022-03-08

The young priests of Karnataka province regrouped for the young priests' meet on March 5-6, 2022 at Fathima Retreat House, Mangalore. The presence and the lively participation in the programme by 30 young priests along with the PCF for young priests, Fr Prashanth Wesley D'Souza SJ, created the right setting to share, refresh and reflect on Jesuit life and mission.
On the first day, Fr Cyprian Tellis SJ conducted a session on the theme ‘Promotion of a consistent culture of protection of minors and vulnerable adults’. The session was followed by an hour of adoration and spiritual conversation, thereby allowing the participants to interiorise the subjects discussed.
In an online address to the young priests, Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ, the provincial, reminded about the importance of the ‘youth’ phase in the life of priests. He highlighted the need for interiority and integrity in the life of priests. He reminded that "religious are not merely a labour force in the Church; they are persons on a search". Fr Roshan Castelinho SJ celebrated the Eucharist in the evening.
The second day began with the holy mass in the Divine Mercy shrine, in which the young priests joined in prayer with the faithful gathered for the Lord's day. Is it possible to make creative use of digital media an essential tool in our mission in the present times? On this question, Fr Melwyn Pinto SJ, led the group into a deeper discussion, analysis and reflection.
The meeting ended with an evaluation in which the participants expressed appreciation for the young priesta coordinators Fr Vishal D'Souza and Fr Teyol Machado. The group expressed gratitude to the superior Fr Maxim Misquith SJ and the Jesuit community at Fathima Retreat House for hosting the meeting which was well organised.
- Praveen Kiran Martis SJ